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Recommended reading

Each link will take you to for more info

 ~Quantum Physics/Consciousness~ Explains in great detail the link between the observer, and the quantum field, basically puts the power back in our hands! Great read.~

~Science/Spirituality: - Fascinating Read! From zero-point energy, to basically proving reincarnation! Very diverse. Eyes wide, jaw dropped kind of read. Highly Recommended!

~LIFE CHANGING: Spirituality - Paramahansa Yoganada is a God-realized Master from India, who travelled to America in the early 1920's to teach the science of Self-Realization. (click the picture above to read the entire book online for free!) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED~

Friday, December 28, 2007

Astrological Bangles and a Rare Scientific Explanation of Astrology

For those who have read the book, "Autobiography of a Yogi", you may recall in chapter 16, when Yogananda's Master, Sri Yukteswar, spoke of the power in wearing an astrological bangle. In the book, Yogananda was given instuctions to wear a very specific bangle made of, I believe iron and lead. Now given Sri Yukteswar had the ability to enter the super-conscious state, (thus allowing him to read the karma of his disciple), he was able to determine the likeness of which planetary forces would be at work. The iron and led were used to counteract these forces, and minimize tremendously, the suffering of Yogananda at that time. A skeptic would have a field day with what has been said here, but dont laugh too soon! Scientifically, it becomes common sense that the planets have a tremendous impact on events, our bodies, and even our psychological states. This is by virtue of the fact, that within each of our bodies contains certain degrees of naturally accuring metals, which we rely on to survive. When certain planets are in specific locations, there is a magnetic attraction, or retraction in our bodies to the corresponding planet. This could have an amplifying, or softening effect depending on the person and circumstances. This would also explain why crime rates increase during a full moon. Science has only begun to understand this phenomena, but Spiritual Masters have known about it for centuries. To give an example, the planet Mars contains a lot of iron. The effects of Mars on a persons body who is lacking in iron, would cause lethargy and possibly depression, for the body is not equipped to handle the magnetic frequency of the push and pull of the planet. There would be a mismatch of frequencies, causing imbalance. Paradoxically, the opposite may be true. It all depends on each individual's circumstances, which include too many factors to mention. Now, Sri Yuteswar has given out only one formula, which is for a general purpose bangle made of copper, silver, and gold. The weight of each metal is very precise, and therefore takes a skilled metal-worker to mold, and form. Luckily there is one such man by the name of Kent White, who presently lives in California. I checked him out to make sure he was the real deal, and he has actually made bangles for well-known disciples of Paramahansa Yoganada, such as Swami Kriyananda. When one is wearing the bangle, they are protected from plantary influnces, that may otherwise cause harm. It is understood that 'karma' is braught back to us via planatary alinments, therefore by wearing an astrological bangle, you are literally 'outwitting the the stars'. :) Since the price of gold is constantly changing, Kent requests you e-mail him for pricing. 2 months ago, the price for a bangle was around $1300. (Mind you there is more then an ounce of gold in each bangle!) I hope to get one sometime in 2008, and when I do, I'll let you know how it works out. Click the link at the top of this article to visit Kent's website and learn more about this priceless blessing from a God-realized Master.


alyssa said...

While I don't know a darn thing about astrological bangles, I must say that I find your blog *fascinating* (here is where I would normally italicize, but I'm not fluent with HTML tags. the last time i attempted to italicize within a comment, the entire thing ended up that way...)!

Not to get into a huge theological discussion here when I don't even know you (generally the rule is that upon first talking to someone you shy away from religion and politics...), but I think being religious *and* scientifically educated go hand-in-hand.

Apparently I like to make asides in parentheses.

Overall, I just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. :)

Unknown said...

Interesting blog!

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