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Recommended reading

Each link will take you to for more info

 ~Quantum Physics/Consciousness~ Explains in great detail the link between the observer, and the quantum field, basically puts the power back in our hands! Great read.~

~Science/Spirituality: - Fascinating Read! From zero-point energy, to basically proving reincarnation! Very diverse. Eyes wide, jaw dropped kind of read. Highly Recommended!

~LIFE CHANGING: Spirituality - Paramahansa Yoganada is a God-realized Master from India, who travelled to America in the early 1920's to teach the science of Self-Realization. (click the picture above to read the entire book online for free!) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED~

Friday, December 28, 2007

Salt Water to Fuel?

Thats right! While looking for a cure to cancer, inventor John Kansas figured out a way to ignite salt water. Congratulations John! It is also important to mention here, that there are countless other devices capable of harnessing, and producing free energy sources. Nikola Tesla, a famous inventor from the late 1800's, discovered a way to run a car on absoluely nothing! Well, not ABSOLUTELY nothing, he was actually harnessing the energy that prevades the entirety of space, but thats neither here nore there. ;) I sometimes wonder why we were never taught these things in school. :( Its sad that information is filtered and controlled, but then again, THANK YOU INTERNET! :) Now back to the topic at hand. There are literally thousands of inventions that produce power from this invisible, all pervading energy source, but whenever someone trys for a patent, they are turned down on the grounds of, "There is no source of energy to which the device operates". hmmm... Who controls the patent offices? Are those people not also fed up with almost $4 a gal for gas? Or are they the SAME PEOPLE chargin us almost $4 a gal for gas? Well, at any rate, good luck with the patent John. Theres a whole lot of people that want you to succeed, and I'm sure rooting for ya.

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