Change your life

Learn to Heal yourself and others with the worlds most powerful energy healing modality!

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Recommended reading

Each link will take you to for more info

 ~Quantum Physics/Consciousness~ Explains in great detail the link between the observer, and the quantum field, basically puts the power back in our hands! Great read.~

~Science/Spirituality: - Fascinating Read! From zero-point energy, to basically proving reincarnation! Very diverse. Eyes wide, jaw dropped kind of read. Highly Recommended!

~LIFE CHANGING: Spirituality - Paramahansa Yoganada is a God-realized Master from India, who travelled to America in the early 1920's to teach the science of Self-Realization. (click the picture above to read the entire book online for free!) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED~

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"The Cure Complex" - A Documentary

Anthony J. Reed's documentary film:
"The Cure Complex", is a remarkable journey into a new paradigm of healing through consciousness. "The Cure Complex" takes place in 7 countries world-wide, and contains fascinating discoveries from more then 30 of the world's most renowned scientific and spiritual leaders. See up close experiments never before caught on tape, and open your heart to a new hope for humanity. A few of the film's topics include:

  • First hand scientific experiments proving the power of energy healing when applied to dis-eased systems and the rapid recovery of those systems as a result.

  • An in-depth look into the emotional origins of disease, and how both the problem and solution can be found in our thinking patterns.

  • Observing the effects of various types of pranic energies projected from a healer's hand, onto electrons under an electron microscope.

  • Kirlian real-time video of a healing session between a Master-healer, and a cancer patient.

  • An interview with world-renowned quantum physicist and President of the US Peace Government, Dr. John Hagelin.

  • An interview with Proffesor David G. Wagner from Cambridge university explaining tachyon and vibrational resonance in conjunction to healing.

  • An interview with the ceo of Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals;
    the makers of celebrex and zoloft.

  • And much more!

Featuring music by: Enigma, Jack Johnson, Zero 7 and more.

The Film is set to be released sometime in 2009. The objective is to reach 10 million people with this message in hoping it will make an impact during a time of much needed healing in the world. Be sure to check back in the future for updates and more information from this ongoing project!